Entrepreneurship is a difficult journey, and there will be many ups and downs along the way. You may find yourself on an amazing high one day followed by feeling completely drained the next. Do you know what makes being an entrepreneur so satisfying? The feeling of achieving your goals and seeing them come true. The challenges you face will also be there, but if anything can make these tough days bearable knowing that those failures don’t have to stop you from going after your dreams. THE PROS OF BEING AN ENTREPRENEUR The main advantage of being your own boss is that you are in complete control. You can make decisions without any interference from other people, and if there's something about the company culture or policies you don't like then it's up for revision! Here are some of the pros of being an entrepreneur: Work for Yourself – You are your own boss! You make the final decisions related to running your business. Limitless Revenue Potential – Working a 9-5 means e...